Real hard working stories about sucking cock.

Tuesday, October 17

Oral Fixation

"In our culture,there are things we may or may not do with our mouths..."

When I was a little kid I sucked my thumb.

Oral fixation is a condition which causes certain people to always require stimulation of the mouth. The concept was coined by Sigmund Freud, probably during one of his cocaine highs. He thought that young infants get some sort of "orgasmic" pleasure from sucking, chewing, biting, etc., because that is what is most important in their lives at that point: nourishment through the mouth. Children who did not get enough stimulation were believed to later on develop oral fixation.
People with oral fixation can be identified because they are always eating, biting their nails, licking their lips, drinking, chewing the tips of their pencils, or making out. There are other "fixations", such as nasal fixations, which requires constant stimulation of the nasal area, usually by sticking coins up there, or drinking milk or rum through the nasal cavities. It is quite entertaining to be around a drunk person with a nasal fixation.

I no longer suck thumbs, I suck cocks.

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